The use of high-quality ceramic media within your system is essential for its reliability. Many ceramic media product variations can provide long-lasting heat retention, transfer, and exchange for your system, and we are able to assist you in selecting the correct product for your needs.
Structured media packs a high density of ceramic into a small area while offering a lower pressure drop. It can be a highly cost-effective type of media for RTOs.
Structured ceramic media offers higher heat exchange properties and lower pressure drop compared to randomly packed media. Its use spans across many industries and applications, and we offer a variety of structured ceramic designs depending on your performance requirements.
Read this case study to see how we resolved an air flow capacity issue for a recycling facility processing waste bakery products by using high-grade structured media.
Not Sure What Fits? Our technical experts can help you evaluate which product is most appropriate for your specific application. By maintaining on-hand inventory in our Houston facility, we are able to respond rapidly to fulfill your ceramic media needs and avoid excessive lead times and lengthy shipment delays. Please contact us today for more information.